Dr. Kwadwo Asafo-Agyei Okrah was educated in Ghana and the United States. Dr. Okrah earned his bachelor’s degree in Ghana before entering Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, to earn an MA in International Affairs and Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction.
Courses Taught
Dr. Okrah has a record experience in teaching elementary, middle and high schools in Ghana. As a professor he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses including:
- Education in American Culture (Phil. & Social Foundations of Education) (H340)
- Multicultural Education and Global Awareness (E201)
- Adolescent Development and Classroom Management (P475)
- Education and Social Issues (H520)
- Introduction to Teaching (F100)
Before settling in the USA, Dr. Okrah worked at the Office of the President as the National and Presidential Poet Laureate (The State Linguist of the Republic of Ghana), a feat that placed him on the Ghanaian list of precedence. He previously worked at the Center for National Culture in Ghana as both research officer and Traditional Norms and Practices consultant.
Research Interests
Dr. Okrah’s research interest is in African philosophy of education, social justice education and curriculum development. His recent publications include:
- Culture Maps: A Tool for Building Competent Global and Multicultural Education
- Curriculum.
- Rethinking Child Labor in Africa: Perpetuating Marginality as a Commercial Product.
- Bridging the Gap: Managing the “Cold War” Between Africans and African-Americans
- in the United States of America.
- Rethinking Free Education: How Higher Education Shortchanges and Denies Access to
- the Less Privileged in Africa: Ghana as a Case Study.
- Sankofa: Cultural Heritage Conservation and Sustainable National Development.
Professor Okrah has also appeared in the capacity of keynoting, presenting, lecturing and chairing sessions at international, national and regional conferences in Australia, UK, China, Taiwan, Ghana and USA.