Secondary Education

+7%Projected job growth for secondary education teachers in Indiana from 2016–2026.

90+Number of hours spent in secondary classrooms BEFORE student teaching!

97%Percent of IU South Bend graduates rated effective or highly effective by their building principal. (2022-2024 Principal Surveys)

B.S.Ed. Secondary Education

Become a Middle or High School Teacher

Welcome (future) Secondary Education students! Your passion for learning and your genuine care for students will serve them far beyond the time they spend in your classroom. You are ready to make a positive impact on adolescents in your community and we are here to help. Earn your bachelor's degree in Secondary Education and learn how to teach youth in grades 5–12! (If you already possess a bachelor's degree, check out graduate programs in Education.)

Teacher candidates at IU South Bend explore innovative educational theories and practices, challenge themselves, and work collaboratively with their classmates and faculty as they grow into effective, inspirational, and multiculturally-competent educators.

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Secondary education students sitting in groups at desks

Pursue your passion!

Upon earning your Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.) in Secondary Education, you will be prepared to pursue licensure in one (or more!) subject areas in the State of Indiana. Secondary Education students can study additional content areas beyond their specialization—preparing you for additional licenses upon graduation!

Available Specializations:

  • Computer Science
  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science (Earth/Space Science, Chemistry, Life Science/Biology, Physical Science, Physics)
  • Social Studies (Economics, Geographical Perspectives, Government and Citizenship, Historical Perspectives, Psychology, Sociology)
  • World Languages (French, German, Spanish)

Secondary Education students can also add one of the following content areas to their chosen specialization:

  • English as a New Language
  • Special Education

In Demand

The U.S. Department of Education identifies teacher shortages in several secondary subject areas in the State of Indiana. Our schools are in need of licensed teachers; there is a particularly strong need for teachers who are licensed in English, math, science, and world languages.

View teacher shortage areas

Accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). CAEP standards are rigorous and ensure high quality programs. Learn more about why accreditation matters.

Consumer Information and Teacher Effectiveness Data

Program Details

Explore information about degree requirements, expectations, and policies. Remember your academic advisor will be here to assist and support you throughout your journey to degree!

Secondary Education Program Details

Learn More!

Do you have questions? Want more information? Not sure where to start? Contact the Education Advising Office at!

On behalf of the faculty and staff, we look forward to getting to know you!