Our Advisors provide a multitude of services for students in the School of Education, including academic advisement, information on licensure, and other information regarding graduation requirements. Students interested in pursuing a degree in Education are encouraged to contact one of our advisors by phone (574) 520-4845 to set up an appointment with an academic advisor.
Education Advising
Office Hours
To make an appointment, contact the Advising Office at:
(574) 520-4845
Current students may also schedule an advising appointment online via the Student Appointment Scheduler.”
Licensure Information
We encourage students to contact the Education Advising Office regarding licensure questions and information. Below are some helpful links for basic information regarding testing requirements for teacher licensing and the most frequently used links for the Indiana Department of Education. In addition, there are also links with licensure information for School and Mental Health Counselors. Students are able to contact a licensing advisor in the following ways: scheduling an appointment by calling 574-520-4845, or visiting the Education Advising office in Education & Arts Building, Rm 2200.
Contact Information
David E. Ogden, M.S.
Associate Director
Undergraduate Advising Center
Administration Building Room #130
Indiana University South Bend
Darrell L. Sanders
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
School of Education
Administration Building Room #109
Indiana University South Bend
Carla Murillo
Graduate Advisor
EA 2238
To make an appointment...
Please contact
(574) 520-4845