Contact Us and Parking

Free parking is available in the School of Education and Arts parking lot on Esther Street, off of Mishawaka Avenue. If coming from Twykenham Drive, head east on Ruskin Street, then turn right on Esther Street. The parking lot is on the left.

To avoid getting a parking ticket, please park ONLY in spaces that say either Dental Patient Parking or Clinic Parking.

There is additional free parking in the following locations:

  • Visitor parking spaces on the west side of the Administration building.
  • The ground level of the IUSB parking garage, located at the corner of  Mishawaka Avenue and 20
  • Along Mishawaka Avenue on the northside of campus.

After parking, please go around to the FRONT of the School of Education and Arts building and enter through the main doors. Take the stairs or elevator (located to the left of the stairs) to the second floor.









education building