Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there a fee for services?

A: No, services are free of charge.

Q: Does my session have to be recorded?

A: Yes, this is a training and educational clinic, and the recordings are used to support the counselor-in-training learning.

Q: What happens to the recording?

A: It is deleted after the counselor watches and reflects on it and the supervisor provides feedback.

Q: I’d like to have telehealth services, am I eligible?

A: Review the telehealth services page and if you are a family or student from a partnering LEA, reach out.

Q: What if I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment?

A:  Please try to provide 24-hour notice of your need to cancel or reschedule the appointment. Recurrent issues with cancellations or no-show appointments result in discharge from services.  (See Policies for additional information.)

Q:  Who are the counselors at the clinic?

A:  The counselors are in training and students in the IU South Bend School of Education graduate counseling programs and are studying clinical mental health counseling, school counseling, or school psychology.

Q:  Who do I contact if I have questions?

A:  All inquiries with the clinic start with the Request for Services form.  Complete that and we will reach out.  After an individual has the Intake appointment, information about contacting the clinic is provided. 

Q:  What hours are you open?

A:  The clinic is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 12:30PM-5:30PM.

Q:  How is my information protected?

A:  The clinic follows IU privacy policies and guidelines and uses secure technology and storage of counseling sessions and documentation.