Telehealth Services

Telehealth Services

 TENTATIVE START January 2025.  Please return here for updates and more information as it becomes available.

Please review the website for general information and additional updates will be posted in the future.

The IU South Bend Community Counseling Clinic offers limited telehealth services.  These services are based on a collaboration between regional IU campuses and Local Education Agencies (LEA).  An LEA is your local school district, corporation, or agency. 

Current Partnering LEAs include:

  • Kokomo School Corporation
  • Richmond Community Schools
  • South Bend Community School Corporation
  • As additional LEAs are approved, they will be listed here.

Telehealth services are offered to students and families from the above-listed LEAs only. 

Additional information regarding technology (e.g., internet speed/reliability, Zoom links, privacy, etc.) will be forthcoming and a consideration to help determine if the clinic is an appropriate provider. 

Telehealth services are offered through Zoom Health, which supports keeping your information private.

Limitations: Telehealth services are for families and students that are part of a collaborative LEA and are for five (5) sessions.  The clinic’s capacity is to see up to five students or families per LEA at a time. Services are offered first come first serve or by referral from school psychologists-in-training.