Getting Started with Services

Getting Started with Services

This page describes the process for an individual to initiate contact with the clinic for requesting services and the steps that follow.

  1. Submit the Request for Services form – Request for Services page.
  2. Based on how you completed the form’s preferred communication the clinic will:
    1. Call to perform the Phone Screening or schedule a time to complete it. OR
    2. Email you to schedule the Phone Screening.

Note. The clinic will attempt to make contact twice for scheduling or completing of the screening.

This Phone Screening process helps the clinic start understanding more about you, what you are seeking services for, and to help determine if the clinic is a suitable provider. The screening should take approximately 15-30 minutes.

  1. After the Phone Screening your information will be reviewed by the Director or other clinical staff to determine if the clinic is an appropriate provider, and you will be contacted to either:
    1. Schedule an Intake appointment.
    2. Provide a referral to another provider.